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    Jan 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook

Transfer Program Information

Statewide Transfer Policy

Institutional Transfer

Following a directive of the 119th Ohio General Assembly in 1990, The Ohio Department of Higher Education (formerly the Ohio Board of Regents), developed the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy to facilitate students’ ability to transfer credits from one Ohio public college or university to another in order to avoid duplication of course requirements. A subsequent policy review and recommendations produced by the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Advisory Council in 2004, together with mandates from the 125th Ohio General Assembly in the form of Amended Substitute House Bill 95, have prompted improvements to the original policy. While all state-assisted colleges and universities are required to follow the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy, independent colleges and universities in Ohio may or may not participate in the transfer policy. Therefore, students interested in transferring to independent institutions are encouraged to check with the college or university of their choice regarding transfer agreements. In support of improved articulation and transfer processes, the Ohio Department of Higher Education will establish a transfer clearinghouse to receive, annotate, and convey transcripts among state-assisted colleges and universities. This system is designed to provide standardized information and help colleges and universities reduce undesirable variability in the transfer credit evaluation process.

Ohio Transfer 36

The Ohio Department of Higher Education’s Transfer and Articulation Policy established the Ohio Transfer 36 (OT36), formerly Ohio Transfer Module (OTM), which is a subset or entire set of a college or university’s general education curriculum in Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), and baccalaureate degree programs. Students in applied associate degree programs may complete some individual Ohio Transfer 36 courses within their degree program or continue beyond the degree program to complete the entire Ohio Transfer 36. 

The Ohio Transfer 36 course(s), or the full module completed at one college or university, will automatically meet the requirements of individual Ohio Transfer 36 course(s) or the full Ohio Transfer 36 at another state-assisted college or university once the student is admitted. Students may be required, however, to meet additional general education requirements at the institution to which they transfer. For example, a student who completes the Ohio Transfer 36 at Institution S (sending institution) and then transfers to Institution R (receiving institution) is said to have completed the Ohio Transfer 36 portion of Institution R’s general education program. Institution R, however, may have general education course requirements that go beyond its Ohio Transfer 36. State policy initially required that all courses in the Ohio Transfer 36 be completed to receive its benefit in transfer. However, subsequent policy revisions have extended this benefit to the completion of individual Ohio Transfer 36 courses on a course-by-course basis. Please visit for more information. 

Transfer Assurance Guides (TAGs)

Transfer Assurance Guides (TAGs) are additional transferable courses required for an academic major. Some, but not all, Ohio Transfer 36 courses also qualify as TAGs. A TAG is an advising tool to assist Ohio public university, community, and technical college students planning specific majors to make course selections that will ensure comparable, compatible, and equivalent learning experiences across the state’s higher-education system and allow for transferability to Ohio public universities and colleges. 

TAGs empower students to make informed course selection decisions and plans for their future transfer. Advisors at the institution to which a student wishes to transfer should also be consulted during the transfer process. Because of specific major requirements, early identification of a student’s intended major is encouraged.

Shown below are the currently approved Transfer Assurance Guide semester courses. Information may also be obtained from your advisor and the Registrar’s office, and from the Ohio Department of Higher Education at

Approved Transfer Assurance Guide Courses

Course# Title Credit Hrs. OAN*
ACC1100 Financial Accounting 4 OBU010
ACC1200 Managerial Accounting 4 OBU011
ART1010 Art History: Prehistory to Gothic 3 OAH005 (w/ART1030)
ART1030 Art History: Renaissance to 20th Century 3 OAH005 (w/ART1010)
BIO2010 Biology I 4 OSC003 (w/BIO2015) or OCS024 (w/BIO2015, BIO2020, BIO2025)
BIO2015 Biology Lab I 1 OSC003 (w/BIO2010) or OSC024 (w/BIO2010, BIO2020, BIO2025)
BIO2020 Biology II 4 OSC004 (w/BIO2025) or OSC024 (w/BIO2010, BIO2015, BIO2025)
BIO2025 Biology Lab II 1 OSC004 (w/BIO2020) or OSC024 (w/BIO2010, BIO2015, BIO2020)
BIO2100 Nutrition 3 OHL016







3 OET012 (either can be awarded for incoming OET012 credit)
CHM1610 General Chemistry I 4 OSC008 (w/CHM1615) or OSC023 (w/CHM1615, CHM1620, CHM1625)
CHM1615 General Chemistry Lab I 1 OSC008 (w/CHM1610) or OSC023 (w/CHM1610, CHM1620, CHM1625)
CHM1620 General Chemistry II 4 OSC009 (w/CHM1625) or OSC023 (w/CHM1610, CHM1615, CHM1625)
CHM1625 General Chemistry Lab II 1 OSC009 (w/CHM1620) or OSC023 (w/CHM1610, CHM1615, CHM1620)
DLS1090 Digital Literacy and Applications 3 OBU003
ART1040 Digital Photography (was DMT1040) 3 OAH002
ECO2010 Macroeconomics 3 OSS005
ECO2020 Microeconomics 3 OSS004
EDU1020 Introduction to Education 3 OED007
EDU1100 Educational Psychology 3 OED008
EDU1320 Children with Exceptionalities 3 OED009
ENG2640 British Literature I 3 OAH055
ENG2650 British Literature II 3 OAH056
ENG2670 American Literature I 3 OAH053
ENG2680 American Literature II 3 OAH054
ENG1900 Technical Writing for Business and Industry 3 OBU005
HIS1010 Western Civilization I 3 OHS041 or OHS009 (w/HIS1020)
HIS1020 Western Civilization II 3 OHS042 or OHS009 (w/HIS1010)
HIS1050 American History I 3 OHS043 or OHS010 (w/HIS1060)
HIS1060 American History II 3 OHS044 or OHS010 (w/HIS1050)
HIT1430 Pathophysiology 3 OHL019
HIT2540 Health Record Law 2 OHL021
HIT2650 Medical Reimbursement 3 OHL022
LEN1100 Intro to Criminal Justice 3 OSS031
LEN1400 Policing 3 OSS032
LEN2200 Corrections 3 OSS033
LEN2400 Criminology 3 OSS034
MED2400 Medical Terminology 3 OHL020
MET2110 Statics 3 OET007
MET2150 Strength of Materials 3 OET008
MFG1080 Materials 3 OET013
MRT1010 Marketing 3 OBU006
MTH2530 Calculus and Analytic Geometry III 4 OTM018
MUS1210 Music Theory I 3 OAH052 (w/MUS1220, MUS1240, MUS1250)
MUS1220 Music Theory II 3 OAH052 (w/MUS1210, MUS1240, MUS1250)
MUS1240 Aural Skills I 1 OAH052 (w/MUS1210, MUS1220, MUS1250)
MUS1250 Aural Skills II 1 OAH052 (w/MUS1210, MUS1220, MUS1240)
MUS1300 Choral Society 1 OAH022
MUS1330 Brass Choir 1 OAH022
MUS1410 Class Piano I 1 OAH019 (w/MUS1420)
MUS1420 Class Piano II 1 OAH019 (w/MUS1410)
MUS17XX Applied Music 2 OAH020 (Please see instructor for approved courses.)
MUS27XX Applied Music 2 OAH020 (Please see instructor for approved courses.)
PHY1310 General Physics I 4 OSC014 (w/PHY1315) or OSC021 (w/PHY1315, PHY1320, PHY1325)
PHY1315 General Physics Lab I 1 OSC014 (w/PHY1310) or OSC021(w/PHY1310, PHY1320, PHY1325)
PHY1320 General Physics II 4 OSC015 (w/PHY1325) or OSC021 (w/PHY1310, PHY1315, PHY1325)
PHY1325 General Physics Lab II 1 OSC015 (w/PHY1320) or OSC021 (w/PHY1310, PHY1315, PHY1320)
PLS1000 American Government 3 OSS011
PSY1210 General Psychology 3 OSS015
PSY1400 Psychology of Personality Theories 3 OSS018
PSY1360 Life Span Development 3 OSS048
PSY2030 Social Psychology 3 OSS016
PSY2210 Abnormal Psychology 3 OSS017
PSY2410 Adolescent Psychology 3 OSS046
SOC2010 Fundamentals of Sociology 3 OSS021
SOC2500 Cultural Anthropology 3 OSS001
SPE2010 Effective Speaking 3 OCM013
SPE2200 Interpersonal Communication 3 OCM002
SPE2250 Small Group Communication 3 OCM003
SPE2300 Introduction to Communication 3 OCM001
SWK1010 Intro to Social Work 3 OSS029
SWK1030 Intro to Social Welfare 3 OSS030

 * Ohio Articulation Number

Conditions for Transfer Admission

  1. Ohio residents with A.A. or A.S. degrees from state-assisted institutions and a completed, approved Ohio Transfer 36 (OT36) shall be admitted to any state institution of higher education in Ohio, provided their cumulative grade point average is at least 2.0 for all previous college-level courses. Further, these students shall have admission priority over out-of state associate degree graduates and transfer students.
  2. When students have earned associate degrees but have not completed the OT36 from an Ohio public institution of higher education, they will be eligible for preferential consideration for admission as transfer students as long as the institution’s admission criteria, such as the minimum academic standards, space availability, adherence to deadlines, payment of fees, and grade-point average, are fairly and equally applied to all undergraduate students.
  3. In order to encourage completion of the baccalaureate degree, students who are not enrolled in an Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) degree program but have earned 60 semester or 90 quarter hours or more of credit toward a baccalaureate degree with a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0 for all previous college-level courses will be eligible for preferential consideration for admission as transfer students.
  4. Students who have not earned an A.A. or A.S. degree or who have not earned 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours of credit with a grade point average of at least a 2.0 for all previous college-level courses are eligible for admission as transfer students on a competitive basis.
  5. Incoming transfer students admitted to a college or university shall compete for admission to selective programs, majors, and units on an equal basis with students native to the receiving institution.

Admission to a given institution, however, does not guarantee that a transfer student will be automatically admitted to all majors, minors, or fields of concentration at the institution. Once admitted, transfer students shall be subject to the same regulations governing applicability of catalog requirements as native students. Furthermore, transfer students shall be accorded the same class standing and other privileges as native students on the basis of the number of credits earned. All residency requirements must be completed at the receiving institution.

Acceptance of Transfer Credit

Transfer credit is granted for college-level classes and some technical courses earned at regionally accredited institutions, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs or CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation) for which students receive a passing grade as defined by the academic departments.

Transfer credit will be accepted for successfully completed college-level courses completed in and after fall 2005 from Ohio state-assisted institutions of higher education. (See Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy, Appendix E: Transfer of Courses with a Passing Grade Policy). Pass/fail courses, credit by examination courses, experiential learning courses, and other nontraditional credit courses that meet these conditions will also be accepted and posted to the student record. 

Acceptance of credit is a decision process performed by the receiving institution to determine which credit it will post to the student’s official academic record (i.e., the transcript).

Acceptance of transfer credit should not be confused with the application of credit to a specific program or degree. For example, a course may be transferred as a Mathematics elective, but may not be applied to a specific degree if it is not the required mathematics course.  

Credit for successfully completed college-level learning shall be accepted as specified in this Policy. Three standards have offered useful guidance in the past:

  1. The course is not remedial or developmental,
  2. the course carries one or more credit hours, and
  3. the credit hours of the course are eligible to count toward graduation at the sending and receiving institutions or should otherwise appear on the student’s official academic record according to this Policy.

Transfer courses with the letter grade of ‘D’ may receive credit from a State of Ohio institution if the class was taken beginning fall 2005. Terra State DOES NOT transfer No Credit (NC), Withdraw (W), Passing “No” Points (PNP), Failure (F), Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U), or Repeat-Not Counted courses on any transcript. Terra State does not transfer in courses that are below college-level credit, and in most cases does not transfer courses with 0 quality points.

In order to provide students with certainty in the transfer process, students who receive Pass (or credit) for a course taken during the Spring and Summer 2020 terms, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, will be guaranteed to receive transfer credit and have that credit applied as if it were a letter grade according to current OATN policy. (See Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy, Appendix Z: Articulation and Transfer Policy Updates Due to COVID-19). 

Following the evaluation of a student transcript from another institution, the receiving institution will provide the student with a Statement of Transfer and Articulated Credit Applicability (Degree Audit Report).

Responsibilities of Students

In order to facilitate transfer with maximum applicability of transfer credit, prospective transfer students should plan a course of study that will meet the requirements of a degree program at the receiving institution. Students should use the Ohio Transfer 36, Transfer Assurance Guides, and Course Applicability System for guidance in planning the transfer process. Specifically, students should identify early in their collegiate studies an institution and major to which they desire to transfer. Furthermore, students should determine if there are language requirements or any special course requirements that can be met during the freshman or sophomore year. This will enable students to plan and pursue a course of study that will articulate with the receiving institution’s major. Students are encouraged to seek further information regarding transfer from both their advisor and the college or university to which they plan to transfer.

Appeals Process

A student disagreeing with the application of transfer and/or articulated credit by the receiving institution must file his/her appeal in writing within ninety (90) days of receipt of the Statement of Transfer and Articulated Credit Applicability. The institution shall respond to the appeal within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the appeal. Appeals may be sent to

Ohio Transfer 36 

Shown below is the Ohio Transfer 36 as it exists in the semester system. Prior to Fall 2006, Terra State’s approved Ohio Transfer 36 included courses in the quarter system. Please contact the Registrar for courses in the approved quarter format, as well as the most up-to-date information concerning Terra State’s approved Ohio Transfer 36 and Transfer Assurance Guides.






A total OT 36 of 36-40 semester hours must be taken from courses listed above.

Career Technical Credit Transfer (CTAGS)

According to section 3333.162 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Board of Regents (Ohio Department of Higher Education) and the Ohio Department of Education are required to develop policies and procedures ensuring that students at an adult career-technical education institution or secondary career-technical education institution can transfer agreed-upon technical courses completed there (that adhere to recognized industry standards) to any state institution of higher education without unnecessary duplication or institutional barriers. These courses are part of the Career Technical Credit Transfer, hence called CTAGs. CTAGs are available within the following technologies: Automotive; Basic Police Officer; Culinary and Food Service Management; Education; Electrical Engineering Technology; Mechanical Engineering Technology; Emergency Medical Technician; Fire Fighter; Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning/Refrigeration; Nursing; Medical Assisting; and Information Technology Networking and Information Support and Services.

Approved CTAGS:

Course# Title Credit Hrs. CTAN#
BIO1070 Ecology and Environment 3 CTNRM001
CAD1110 or CAD1320 CAD I 3 CTMET005
CIT1210 Visual Programming 4 CTIT012
CIT1241 Microcomputers 3 CTIT014
CIT1400 Networking I 4 CTIT007 & CTIT008
CIT2010 Computer Security and Forensics 3 CTIT015
CIT2400 Networking II 4 CTIT009 & CTIT010
CIT2640 Server Management 3 CTIT013
EDU1020 Introduction to Education 3 CTED007
HIT2540 Health Record Law 2 CTHIM002
HSP1000 Introduction to Hospitality 2 CTCF002
HSP1100 Food and Beverage Safety 2 CTCF001
LAC2031 Basic Law Academy I 14 CTBPO001
LAC2041 Basic Law Academy II 7 CTBPO001
LEN1100 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 CTCJ001
MED2400 Medical Terminology 3 CTMT001
Medical Assisting  Medical Assisting certificate and degree technical courses   CTMA004-CTMA011


Military Transfer Assurance Guides (MTAGs) 

Military Transfer Assurance Guides (MTAGS) provides guaranteed transfer of credit for approved career-technical coursework taken through an Ohio high school, career-technical center, or Ohio Technical Center

Industry-Recognized Credential Transfer Assurance Guides (ITAGs) 

 Industry-Recoginzied Credential Transfer Assurance Guides (ITAGS) provides guaranteed transfer credit for the attainment of approved industry-recognized credentials

Articulation and Transfer Agreements

In addition to the Statewide Ohio Transfer 36, Terra State has entered into formal transfer agreements which include Bachelor’s Completion Programs, with a number of colleges and universities, including but not limited to: Ashland University,  Chamberlain University, Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science, Defiance College, Heidelberg University, Ohio University, Tiffin University, University of Cincinnati, and University of Phoenix. Also, as an Ohio Association of Community Colleges (OACC) member, Terra State is partnered with Excelsior University and Western Governors University to offer several transfer options. Specific agreements may be found on the Terra State website at Transfer and Articulation Agreements.

Agreements are regularly updated or developed. For more information, students may contact an advisor at

Advanced Placement Articulation

Several career center districts have entered into formal advanced placement agreements with Terra State. These programs provide the opportunity for graduates of designated vocational programs to receive credit for equivalent college courses. Agreements are in place with EHOVE, Sandusky High School, PENTA, Pioneer, and Vanguard-Sentinel. For more information, students should contact Student Support Services or the appropriate academic division.

Also see

Associate of Arts Transfer Degree

The Associate of Arts is a transfer degree that fulfills the requirements for completion of the first two years of a baccalaureate degree at most four-year colleges and universities. Students are encouraged to discuss their transfer intentions with an advisor early in their Terra State experience to assure that the correct courses are selected to meet the specific requirements of the receiving college or university. The Associate of Arts degree is appropriate for students who plan to transfer to a Bachelor of Arts or related program. These include English, foreign language, social and behavioral sciences, K-12 education and fine arts.

The Associate of Arts degree requires a minimum of 60 semester credit hours and a maximum of 65 semester credit hours for graduation. These hours are composed of general education courses, specific Terra State degree requirements, and Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) courses. The general education courses consist of courses in the Ohio Transfer 36 in the areas of English composition/oral communications, arts and humanities, mathematics, social and behavioral sciences, and natural sciences. Since many bachelor degrees include a foreign language component, up to 8 semester credit hours in a specific foreign language may be included within the degree.

Please see an advisor to discuss an appropriate pathway and determine the most appropriate electives to consider. Visit online at or contact the Registrar’s office for the most up-to-date information concerning Terra State’s approved Ohio Transfer 36 and Transfer Assurance Guide courses.

More information on the Associate of Arts program may be obtained by contacting an advisor at and reviewing the Terra State web site.

Associate of Science Transfer Degree

The Associate of Science is a transfer degree that fulfills the requirements for completion of the first two years of a baccalaureate degree at most four-year colleges and universities. Students are encouraged to discuss their transfer intentions with an advisor early in their Terra State experience to assure that the correct courses are selected to meet the specific requirements of the receiving college or university. The Associate of Science degree is appropriate for students who plan to transfer to Bachelor of Science or related program. These include engineering, business, mathematics, natural sciences, pre-health, and technology.

The Associate of Science degree requires a minimum of 60 semester credit hours and a maximum of 65 semester credit hours for graduation. These hours are composed of general education courses, specific Terra State degree requirements, and Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) courses. The general education courses consist of courses in the Ohio Transfer 36 in the areas of English composition/oral communications, arts and humanities, mathematics, social and behavioral sciences, and natural sciences. Since many bachelor degrees include a foreign language component, up to 8 semester credit hours in a specific foreign language may be included within the degree.

Please see an advisor to discuss an appropriate pathway and determine the most appropriate electives to consider. Visit online at or contact the Registrar’s office for the most up-to-date information concerning Terra State’s approved Ohio Transfer 36 and Transfer Assurance Guide courses.

More information on the Associate of Science programs may be obtained by contacting an advisor at and reviewing the Terra State web site.

Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways

The Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways (OGTPs) are designed to provide a clearer path to degree completion for students pursuing associate degrees who plan to transfer to an Ohio public university to complete their bachelor’s degree. The OGTPs also constitute an agreement between public community colleges and universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements and will be counted and applied toward the bachelor’s degree. Students still must meet all university program admission requirements.

Terra State has several AA/AS OGTP degree pathways. The OGTP website serves as the official repository for both generic and institution-specific pathway templates. Please refer to this website for the most up-to-date information.

Terra State also offers Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways. Please click here for more information.