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    Feb 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees (Tuition and Other)

Residency Requirements for Subsidy and Tuition Surcharge Purposes

U.S. citizens and resident immigrant aliens who were originally classified as non-Ohio residents may petition for a change of residency status. Terra State will apply the residency eligibility criteria established by Ohio Revised Code 3333.31 and Ohio Administrative Code 3333-1-10.

Fees are charged based on residence in the State of Ohio and residence outside the State of Ohio. If the student believes that he or she qualifies for Ohio residency for tuition purposes, the student must submit an appropriate residency application and all supporting documents to the Office of the Registrar.

In its assessment of a student’s eligibility for classification as an Ohio resident for tuition purposes, Terra State is obliged to apply the residency eligibility criteria established by Ohio Revised Code 3333.31 and Ohio Administrative Code 3333-1-10. These criteria are compiled in the Residency Reclassification Documentation.

Terra State is not empowered to alter or waive these state regulations, and must enforce their provisions for all students under all personal and/or financial circumstances. Students strongly are advised to review the criteria established by Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administrative Code prior to seeking classification as an Ohio Resident for tuition purposes.

Requests for residency reclassification must be received prior to start of the term of reclassification. For example, if any required documentation is turned in after the start of Fall term, reclassification (if approved) will be applied for Spring term.

Rules, as defined by OAC 3333-1-10, under which students are eligible to apply:

C1 Financially dependent upon an Ohio resident

Rule: A student whose spouse, or a dependent student, at least one of whose parents or legal guardian, has been a resident of the state of Ohio for all other legal purposes for twelve consecutive months or more immediately preceding the enrollment of such student in an institution of higher education.

C2 Financially independent

Rule: A person who has been a resident of Ohio for the purpose of this rule for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding his or her enrollment in an institution of higher education and who is not receiving, and has not directly or indirectly received in the preceding twelve consecutive months, financial support from persons or entities who are not residents of Ohio for all other legal purposes.

C3 Dependent upon a spouse/parent/legal guardian with Ohio employment

Rule: A dependent student of a parent or legal guardian, or the spouse of a person who, as of the first day of a term of enrollment, has accepted full-time, self-sustaining employment and established domicile in the state of Ohio for reasons other than gaining the benefit of favorable tuition rates.

C4 Veteran, veteran’s spouse or veteran’s dependent

Rule: A veteran, and the veteran’s spouse and any dependent of the veteran, who meets both of the following conditions:

(a) The veteran either (i) served one or more years on active military duty and was honorably discharged or received a medical discharge that was related to the military service or (ii) was killed while serving on active military duty or has been declared to be missing in action or a prisoner of war.

(b) If the veteran seeks residency status for tuition surcharge purposes, the veteran has established domicile in this state as of the first day of term of enrollment in an institution of higher education. If the spouse or a dependent of the veteran seeks residency status for tuition surcharge purposes, the veteran and the spouse or dependent seeking residency status have established domicile in this state as of the first day of a term of enrollment in an institution of higher education, except that if the veteran was killed while serving on active military duty, has been declared to be missing in action or a prisoner of war, or is deceased after discharge, only the spouse or dependent seeking residency status shall be required to have established domicile in accordance with this division.

C5 Military Student Receiving Federal Veterans’ Benefits

Rule: A veteran who is the recipient of federal veterans’ benefits under the “All Volunteer Force Educational Assistance Program,” 38 U.S.C. 3001 et seq., or “Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Program,” 38 U.S.C. 3301 et seq., or any successor program, if the veteran meets all of the following criteria:

(a) The veteran served at least ninety days or active duty.

(b) The veteran enrolls in a state institution of higher education

(c) The veteran lives in the state as of the first day of a term of enrollment in the state institution of higher education.

C6 Military Student Receiving “Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry” Scholarship

Rule: A person who is the recipient of the federal “Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry” scholarship or transferred federal veterans’ benefits under any of the programs listed in paragraph (C)(5) of this rule.

C7 Military Student Using “Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment”

Rule: A person who is using federal veterans’ educational assistance under the “Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment”, 38 U.S.C. 3101.

C8 Forever Buckeye

Rule: A person who, while a resident of this state for state subsidy and tuition surcharge purposes, graduated from a high school in this state or completed the final year of instruction at home as authorized under section 3321.04 of the Revised Code, if the person enrolls in an institution of higher education and establishes domicile in this state, regardless of the student’s residence prior to that enrollment.

E1 Independent student employed in Ohio full or part time, pursuing a part time program of study

Rule: A person who is living and is gainfully employed on a full-time or part-time and self-sustaining basis in Ohio and who is pursuing a part-time program of instruction at an institution of higher education shall be considered a resident of Ohio for these purposes.

E2 Ohio resident on active military duty

Rule: A person who enters and currently remains upon active duty status in the United States military service while a resident of Ohio for all other legal purposes and his or her dependents shall be considered residents of Ohio for these purposes as long as Ohio remains the state of such person’s domicile.

E3 Active military member stationed and residing in Ohio

Rule: A person on active duty status in the United States military service who is stationed and resides in Ohio and his or her dependents shall be considered residents of Ohio for these purposes.

E4 Ohio resident transferred outside of the United States by your employer

Rule: A person who is transferred by his employer beyond the territorial limits of the fifty states of the United States and the District of Columbia while a resident of Ohio for all other legal purposes and his or her dependents shall be considered residents of Ohio for these purposes as long as Ohio remains the state of such person’s domicile as long as such person has fulfilled his or her tax liability to the state of Ohio for at least the tax year preceding enrollment.

E5 Migrant worker in Ohio (or dependent)

Rule: A person who has been employed as a migrant worker in the state of Ohio and his or her dependents shall be considered a resident for these purposes provided such person has worked in Ohio at least four months during each of the three years preceding the proposed enrollment.

E6 In a community service position

Rule: A person who was considered a resident under this rule at the time the person started a community service position as defined under this rule, and his or her spouse and dependents, shall be considered as residents of Ohio while in service and upon completion of service in the community service position (VISTA, Americorps, City Year, Peace Corps or working for an elected or appointed public official for a period of time not exceeding 24 consecutive months).

E7 Returning to Ohio due to marital hardship

Rule: A person who returns to the state of Ohio due to marital hardship, takes or has taken legal steps to end a marriage, and reestablishes financial dependence upon a parent or legal guardian (receives greater than fifty per cent of his or her support from the parent or legal guardian), and his or her dependents shall be considered residents of Ohio.

E8 Member of the Ohio National Guard

Rule: A person who is a member of the Ohio National Guard and who is domiciled in Ohio, and his or her spouse and dependents, shall be considered residents of Ohio while the person is in Ohio National Guard service.

Tuition and General Fees

In-State Residents

Tuition fees for state residents are calculated using the table located at The table also shows the General fee a student is required to pay at the time of registration for classes. All fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Out-of-State Residents

Tuition fees for non-Ohio residents are calculated using the table located at The table also shows the General fee a student is required to pay at the time of registration for classes. All fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Laboratory Fees

Laboratory fees are assessed for the costs of supplies and materials used in selected laboratory courses. Amounts due for individual courses are specified on the official schedule of classes published each term. All online courses are subject to a lab fee.

Library & Technology Fee

A Library and Technology fee of $9 per credit hour is charged for each class during the term. 

Registration Fee

A $10 (nonrefundable) fee is charged per term.

Student Activities Fee

A Student Activities Fee of $2 per credit hour is charged for each class during the term. Classes delivered totally online are exempt from this fee.

Tuition and Fee Payment Policy

Students receive bills on their Terra State Community College (TSCC) Banner self-service portal for credit classes in advance of when the payment is due. Students are given a reasonable time to pay or make payment arrangements.

The responsibility for billing and collection for crediting student accounts is with the accounts receivable specialists working in the Cashiers’ office.

Payment is accepted in cash, check, money order, credit card or debit card. Payments can be made in person at the Cashiers’ office, on-line through the secure Banner self-service portal, mail, or by a telephone call to the Cashiers’ office.

Payment arrangements include employer sponsorship, agency authorization, installment payment plan, paid in full, or financial aid.

The college retains the right to drop students from credit classes for failing to make fee payment or payment arrangements by the due date.

Once students’ accounts become delinquent, the accounts are forwarded to the Ohio Attorney General for collection. All collection fees, special counsel fees, and interest charges are the responsibility of the students.

Communications via text, e-mail, and/or phone calls to students registered for credit classes are made at regular intervals in advance of the date that charges are due. Students can view their class schedule, a breakdown of the charges due, the amounts of any financial aid awards to be paid to the accounts, the amounts of any payments on the accounts for the semester, and total balances due on their Banner Self Service > Student Tab > Student Account > Account Detail for Term.

Charges for credit courses are due two weeks before the semester starts for students registering prior to that date. Students registering within two weeks of the semester start have charges due at the time of registration.

When due, charges must be either:

  1. Paid in full (we accept cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover credit cards, and debit cards)
    1. Payments can be made through Banner self-service (Student Tab->Student Account->Account Summary by Term) or over the phone at 419.559.2329
    2. Checks can be mailed to (please write your Terra State ID# number on the check):
           Terra State Community College
           Cashier’s Office
           2830 Napoleon Road
           Fremont, OH 43420-9670
  1. Paid through a payment plan,
  2. Authorized for payment by a third party source as evidenced by the completion of a sponsorship / authorization form
  3. Approved financial aid award pending with a payment plan to cover any financial aid gap. If these conditions are not met, then the registration is cancelled and the student is notified.

Drop for Non-Payment

Students who have not paid for their classes, or made acceptable arrangements with TSCC, will be dropped from all classes at no cost to the student. The drop will take place once before the term begins and again on the 8th day of the full semester. The pre-semester drop will occur the day after the 1st payment due date as reflected on the Important Dates document. This date is approximately one week prior to the start of Spring term, and two weeks prior to the start of Fall and Summer terms.

Employer Sponsorships

Students are responsible to provide verification from their employer identifying the semester charges that the employer will pay prior to the fee payment due date each semester. The College has an employer sponsorship form for students. The sponsorship form is available on the Terra website and at the Cashiers Office. Company Sponsorship Agreement/Tuition Authorization Form

The student must read, sign, and take the company sponsorship agreement/tuition authorization form to their company’s personnel office. The personnel office will complete the form, sign, and fax, email or return the completed form to the TSCC Cashier’s office.

Sponsored students with unpaid prior semester charges will have a hold placed on their account, and will not be allowed to register for future classes until charges are paid. It is ultimately the students’ responsibility to pay the charges if not paid by the employer sponsor.

Agency Authorizations

Students are responsible to have their approving agency provide verification of the fees and charges to be paid prior to the fee payment due date each semester.

Approved agency students with unpaid prior semester charges will have a hold placed on their account, and will not be allowed to register for future classes until charges are paid. It is ultimately the students’ responsibility to pay the charges if not paid by the approving agency.

Veteran Students

As required by the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Veteran students receiving Chapters 31 and 33 are coded as third party VA certified. Account Receivable Specialist receives the list of certified Veterans from the School Certifying Official (SCO). Students using these chapters are then entered as approved agency on their accounts.

Certified Veteran students using Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 benefits are not penalized, denied access to classes / college facilities, nor required to borrow additional funds due to delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Installment Payment Plan

If students are unable to pay all of the charges at registration time, payment plans can be arranged at the Cashiers’ Office. The plans allow students to pay installments (four in summer and five each in fall and spring) of all charges for the semester, plus a one-time (nonrefundable) fee, by the payment due date. If the first payment is not received by the payment due date, the students’ classes will be subject to drop. Four (Summer Term) or five (Fall and Spring Terms) additional monthly payments complete a semester’s payment plan. If the monthly payments are not paid on the due date, an additional fee may be charged for each late payment. When using Title IV financial aid funds, the student must also complete the Title IV Consent to clear a payment.

Accounts Receivable and Collections

Student accounts that become delinquent (generally 60 or more days past due) are forwarded to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office for collection. All late fees, collection fees, special counsel fees and interest charges are the responsibility of the student.

Past Due Payment Arrangements Students may make arrangements with the Cashier’s office to pay a past due balance. Please complete the past due payment form and return it to the Cashier’s office.

Delinquent Accounts

Failure to pay charges in full will result in the inability to receive transcripts, grades or register for future terms until the balance due is paid in full.


The Student Appeal Petition for a Medical / Compassionate Withdrawal and /or Review of the Billing Charges allows students to petition for a hardship course withdrawal and/or an adjustment of their charges. The Associate Dean of Students will review all student requests individually and make a determination based on Federal, State, and Institutional Policies. Students submitting an appeal will need to meet all requirements and stipulations stated before the petition will be reviewed. The Associate Dean of Students will review petitions and notify students in writing by Terra State e-mail (Office 365) of the findings. Forms are also available in the Advising office. Return the form to Advising office (attention Associate Dean of Students), or directly to the Associate Dean of Students.

Student Appeal Petition for Medical/Compassionate Withdrawal and/or Review of Billing Charges

Response to Students Called to Active Military Duty

If a student is a military service member and is called to active duty during an academic term, then the student may request one of two options in regard to coursework. The first option is to officially withdraw and receive a 100% tuition and fee refund. The second option is to be issued an incomplete grade for the course. The student will be extended a reasonable period of time to complete the course requirements. A reasonable period of time will be determined by the instructor in conjunction with the dean of the academic division in which the course is held.

To request option one, the student must present proof of the call to active duty status to the Student Records Office and must also complete the College’s schedule change form. Proof of the call to active duty will be determined legitimate by the Registrar.

To request option two, the student must present proof of the call to active duty status to the instructor(s) of the class(es) and must also discuss the remaining course requirements with the instructor(s). It is the instructors’ prerogative to either approve the request or to refer the student to option one.

Members of the Ohio National Guard are eligible to receive a 100% tuition and general fee scholarship from the Ohio National Guard. If an Ohio National Guard member is called to active duty and the scholarship program has paid the tuition and fees, then the refund will be issued to the scholarship program.

If the service member was receiving federal or state financial assistance, the appropriate return of financial aid will be calculated.

Other Fees


Every prospective or admitted student is allowed two full set of placement tests which include writing, reading and math free of charge. Beginning on the third attempt, a $25 fee will be charged. No student may take each test more than three times in a six-month period. 

Alternative Academic Credit Fee

A $45 fee per course for portfolio assessment is charged when a student requests credit for work experience. Portfolio development is part of the documentation process required for obtaining credit from previous training or experience.

Background Checks

Contact Campus Safety at extension 2253 or 419.559.2253 for information or to schedule an appointment.

Background Check - BCI 

Amount: $35

Background Check - BCI Copy Only

Amount: $10

Background Check - BCI & FBI

Amount: $60

Background Check - FBI

Amount: $35

Duplicate Student I.D. Fee

A $10 fee is charged to reissue a student I.D. 

Late Registration Fee

Amount: $50

Payment Plan Fee

Amount: $20

Payment Plan - Late Fee

Amount: $25

Proficiency Examination Fee

A $25 fee per course is charged when a student takes a proficiency examination to test out of a course. In addition, any material costs are due at that time.

Re-Registration Fee

A $50 fee is charged when a student drops or is dropped from a course and then registers again for the course within that semester.

Returned Check Fee

A $20 fee is charged for all checks returned to the college.

Transcript Fee

Amount: $7

*All fees are subject to change without notice.

Refund of Instructional, General, Lab, and Student Activities Fees

1-7 Calendar Days 100%
8-14 Calendar Days 50%
After 14 Calendar Days No Refund